USCCB News Release
March 7, 2011
Bishops Continue to Urge Congress to Remember the Poor in Budget Priorities
WASHINGTON (March 7, 2011)—Congress should place the needs of
the poor, unemployed, hungry and other vulnerable people first as it
sets its budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2011, said the bishop who
oversees domestic policy on behalf of the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
“The spending choices of Congress have clear moral and human
dimensions; they reflect our values as a people,” said Bishop Stephen
Blaire of Stockton, California, chairman of the USCCB Committee on
Domestic Justice and Human Development, in a March 4 letter to the U.S.
Senate. “Some current proposals call for substantial reductions,
particularly in those programs that serve the poorest and most
vulnerable people in our nation. In a time of economic crisis, poor and
vulnerable people are in greater need of assistance, not less.”
Bishop Blaire cited over $5 billion in proposed cuts to programs
including community health centers, affordable housing, job training
programs, education programs for low-income people and refugee funding
as having a severe impact on the poor and vulnerable.
Bishop Blaire acknowledged the need to address the federal
deficit to ensure stability for future generations, as well as the need
to preserve national security, noting that the way to do this is not
to create greater insecurity for the poor but through shared sacrifice
for all. He also voiced support for provisions that continue to ban
federal abortion funding and restore the ban in the District of
The full text of the letter can be found online:
. Bishop Blaire’s letter echoes a February 22 letter from Bishop
Howard J. Hubbard of Albany, New York, chairman of the USCCB Committee
on International Justice and Peace, and Ken Hackett, president of
Catholic Relief Services (CRS), in which they argued that assistance to
the world’s poor needed to be a budget priority:
Keywords: Bishop Stephen Blaire, Diocese of Stockton, Committee
on Domestic Justice and Human Development, United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops, USCCB, U.S. bishops, poor, budget, Congress, Senate,
cuts, vulnerable, community health centers, affordable housing, job
training, deficit
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