National Black
Catholic Apostolate for Life
Prayer for Life
God, our help
in ages past, our hope for years to come, gaze
upon our African American community as we pray
for an end to violence and a halt to abortion
among us. Touch our minds and hearts, and fix
them on life and love. Turn us to seek the
wisdom of our ancestors.
Jesus the Giver of Life, make us a People for
Bless us, so that we may pass
on a legacy
of your life and grace. Strengthen us to
sacrifice ourselves for each other. Shower us
with your grace and mercy so that we may be
sources of light and hope to those less
fortunate among us.
Jesus the Giver of Life, make us a
People for Life.
Bless those who are sick,
broken, lonely and forgotten.
Bring us all to your everlasting arms at the end
of our journey
with a clean heart, so that we may rest in
praise and
thanksgiving, joined to all who have gone before
We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen! Amen!
Hallelujah! Amen!
Jesus the Giver of Life, make us a People for
Composed by James Paul Newson
Therese Wilson Favors & Fr. Glenn D. Parker,
Imprimatur: J. Terry Steib, SVD, Bishop of
Memphis in Tennessee, May 14, 2007
National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life