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News Release.........News Release.........
Black Catholics For Life Call For An End To Abortion
"With one united voice we have made our choice..."
June 1, 2004
The National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life and the NRL Black Americans for Life are promoting June as Abortion Awareness Month in the Black Community 2004. The 2004 theme is:
“Join us as we restore hope and save our race from the evil of abortion.”
“There are nearly 1,200 African American babies killed by abortion in America everyday. Approximately 35% of all abortions in America are performed on Black women, while they represent only 13% of the female population of the country Black Catholics will not remain silent. Together we must pray, educate, motivate, and mobilize the African American community against the evil of abortion,” stated Fr. Jim Goode, O.F.M., President of the National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life.
During the month of June at every Eucharistic liturgy and event in the Black Catholic community NBCAL is asking that the faithful offer prayers, distribute literature on the call to restore hope and save our race from the evil of abortion. Counseling and other helpful resources will also be available.
The National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life headquartered at St. Clare Friary in New York City, was inaugurated in 1997 as a National collaborative Pro-Life voice of Black Catholics. Bishop J. Terry Steib, SVD, DD, Bishop of Memphis is the Episcopal Advisor. Fr. Jim Goode, OFM, Ph.D., is the President. The USCCB Secretariat for African American Catholics, National Black Sisters’ Conference, National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus, National Association of Black Catholic Administrators, Knights of Peter Claver / Ladies Auxiliary, National Association of African American Catholic Deacons, National African American Catholic Youth Ministry Network, and the National Black Catholic Seminarians Association supports the National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life. The National Black Catholic Congress and Xavier University Institute for Black Catholic Studies are NBCAL partners. At present there are over 60 NBCAL affiliates throughout the United States. With one united voice we have made our choice- to defend life from the moment of conception to natural death. No Matter What- No Matter When- Black Catholics Respect Life.
Over 14 million African American babies have been aborted since 1973.
Please join us as we restore hope, and save our race from the evil of abortion. For more information: visit: www.blackcatholicsforlife.org or www.nric.org/bal,
write: tnbcalife@aol.com , or call: 212-868-1847 or 202-378-8858.
NBCAL Board of Consultants
Bishop J. Terry Steib, SVD, DD, Episcopal Advisor,
Fr. Jim Goode, OFM, Ph.D., President, Dr. Beverly A. Carroll (USCCB: SAAC),
Fr. Anthony Bozeman, (NBCCC), Supreme Lady Mary L. Briers, (KPCLA), Br. Tyrone A. Davis, CFC, (NBCCC),
Ms. Therese Wilson-Favors, NABCA, Sr. Roberta Fulton,SSMN,(NBSC), Deacon Jerry Lett, (NAAACD),
Supreme Knight Arthur McFarland, (KPC), Sr. Claire Napoleon, FMM, (NBSC),
Mrs. M. Annette Turner, (Pres. NABCA), Msgr. Patrick Wells, (NBCCC), Mr. Michael Youngblood, (NAACYMN),
Sr. Donna Banfield, SBS, (Pres. NBSC) Ex-officio, Fr. Chester P. Smith, SVD, (Pres. NBCCC) Ex-officio
National Black Catholic Congress
Ms. Valerie E. Washington, Executive Director
Xavier University,Institute for Black Catholic Studies
Dr. Jamie T. Phelps, OP, Ph.D.