




People of Life E-Newsletter

March 2012






Dear James,

I'm glad to send you the most recent resources on our fight to protect conscience rights and religious freedom, as well as other news about our work. May God shower us all with graces to persevere in prayer & fasting this Lent.



 Vatican Approves 'Blessing of a Child
 in the Womb'

WASHINGTON-The Vatican has approved the publication of the "Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb,"  which will be printed in English and Spanish in a combined booklet and should be available for parishes by Mothers' Day. The U.S. bishops who collaborated on the development of the blessing welcomed the announcement of the recognitio, or approval, by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in Rome. "I'm impressed with the beauty of this blessing for human life in the . . ." read on. 


Bishops  Call for Prayer

for Religious Liberty

Cardinal Dollan

Cardinal Timothy Dolan

President, USCCB

 WASHINGTON-  The Administrative Committee of the USCCB, at its March 13-14 meeting in Washington, called for a nationwide prayer campaign for protection of religious freedom and conscience rights from several threats, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services mandate that forces employers, including religious ones, to provide contraception/sterilization in their health plans.


      "We call upon the Catholic faithful, and all people of faith, throughout our country to join us in prayer and penance for our leaders and for the restoration of our First Freedom-religious liberty-which is not only protected in the laws and customs of our great Nation, but rooted in the teachings of our great Tradition," the bishops said in "United for Religious Freedom" a March 14 statement. "Prayer is the ultimate source of our strength-for without God, we can do nothing; but with God, all things are possible."




Respect  Life  Program

Monthly Featured Article: Love and Marriage


                 The 2011 to 2012 Respect Life Program continues throughout the year with the theme "I Came So That All Might Have Life, and Have It to the Full."   

           This month's featured article is "Love and Marriage." Why is it still realistic for Catholics to believe in a faithful, life-long marriage? Learn more about it and check out more resources for a happy and holy marriage!

           In addition to the eight pamphlets in the new "Life Matters" series, the packets also include a liturgy guide, clip art, bulletin inserts and more information for your parish or organization. Spread the Gospel of Life by ordering packets or packet items separately. Order materials online or call toll-free (866) 582-0943.



 Natural Family Planning

     NFP is an umbrella term for natural and morally acceptable methods used to achieve and avoid pregnancies. These methods are based on observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle.  


     NFP respects the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life, and recognizes the value of the child. By respecting the love-giving and life-giving natures of marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband and wife. To learn more, click here!


Life Issues Forum: "Prayers for Our Nation"


"Prayers for our Nation" by Kim Baker


      Think of Lent as "pruning away." During this season of simplicity, we are called to a greater degree of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to help us break bad habits, detach from sin, and be more receptive to God's grace working in our lives. Lent is a time to trim what is unhealthy, so that the good in us can flourish and grow under God's grace. It is a time to renew our interior life and reflect on the immensity of Christ's love for us through his passion ...more.


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In This Issue

NEW! Blessing for a Child in the Womb

Bishops' HHS Efforts

RLP Feature: Love and Marriage

Have you heard about NFP?

Life Issues Forum

Meet the Staff

Prayer Corner


Meet the Staff

deirdremcquadeSince 2005, Deirdre has served the U.S. Conference of

Catholic Bishops as their primary

spokesperson on abortion and related life issues. She holds a bachelor of arts from Bryn Mawr College, as well as an M.A. in philosophy and an M.Div. in theology, both from the University of Notre Dame. Deirdre's job includes public speaking, coordinating news releases, appearing on radio, television, and online in the blogosphere, and running ad campaigns to move hearts and minds. She also promotes the pro-life public policy work of the bishops.  "It's a great privilege to help the bishops proclaim the Gospel of Life through both traditional and social media," said Deirdre. "Thank you, People of Life, for supporting our work!"


Prayer Corner


Papal Prayer Intention
for March 


 That the whole world may recognize the contribution of women to the development of society.


Check out Word of Life on our web site for more prayer petitions!


Mark Your Calendar

  • April 1 - Palm Sunday
  • April 8 -Easter Sunday
  • April 15 -Divine Mercy Sunday
  • April 29 - World Day of Prayer for Vocations



JOIN People of Life



People of Life is the pro-life

action campaign of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Our mission is to promote respect and legal protection for

all human life, from conception to natural death.


Become a member, e-mail

People of Life or visit here.  



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