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News Release.........News Release.........
Rev. Fr. Jim Goode, OFM, Ph.D.,
President NBCAL
November 5, 2003
President Signs Partial Birth Abortion Ban
At the Ronald Regan Building today, President George W. Bush signed into law the Partial - Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003. This historical moment marks the first federal restriction of an abortion procedure in 30 years. “It is a great victory for women, for unborn children, and for all Americans.”
The National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life wishes to commend President George W. Bush for signing into law the Partial - Birth Abortion Ban.
In the almost 10 years since legislation to ban partial-birth abortions was first considered in Congress, the partial-ban abortion ban has enjoyed strong support from an overwhelming majority- close to eighty percent of the American people. During this time, Congress approved the legislation twice, only to be vetoed by President Clinton twice.
In the midst of numerous setbacks, the pro-life community never wavered in its commitment to protect women and their unborn children from this heinous form of abortion. The National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life is grateful for the leadership shown by the Catholic Bishops in this effort, and for the faithful witness of so many in the Catholic community
In a special way we also wish to thank the NBCAL affiliates and those who partnered with us. Your untiring efforts to make sure that this inhumane procedure would be forever banned in this nation are appreciated. Your calls, your letters, your marches, your meetings with congressional leaders, and most especially your prayers have made a difference. In the name of Life we are grateful.
Over 14 million African American babies have been aborted since 1973.
For more information: www.blackcatholicsforlife.org or tnbcalife@aol.com.
Board of Consultants: Bishop J. Terry Steib, SVD, DD, Episcopal Advisor,
Fr. Jim Goode, OFM, Ph.D., President, Dr. Beverly A. Carroll (USCCB: SAAC),
Fr. Anthony Bozeman, (NBCCC), Supreme Lady Mary L. Briers, (KPCLA), Br. Tyrone A. Davis, CFC, (NBCCC),
Ms. Therese Wilson-Favors, NABCA, Sr. Roberta Fulton,SSMN,(NBSC), Deacon Jerry Lett, (NAAACD),
Supreme Knight Arthur McFarland, (KPC), Sr. Claire Napoleon, FMM, (NBSC),
Mrs. M. Annette Turner, (Pres. NABCA), Msgr. Patrick Wells, (NBCCC), Mr. Michael Youngblood, (NAACYMN),
Sr. Donna Banfield, SBS, (Pres. NBSC) Ex-officio, Fr. Chester P. Smith, SVD, (Pres. NBCCC) Ex-officioPartnership:
National Black Catholic Congress & Xavier University,Institute for Black Catholic Studies