St. Clare Friary
440 West 36th Street New York, N.Y. 10018-6326
Voice: 212.868.1847
Fax: 212.563.0787

Kwanzaa For Life
a celebration
of the festival of
Kwanzaa for Life

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning
with God.
All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be.
What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of
the human race;
the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:1-5

Jesus, may we... be in the Light...walk in the Light... talk in the Light...pray in the Light... act in the Light!

Kwanzaa for Life 2005 composed by
James P. Newson, Jr.,
Copyright ©2005,
National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life,
New York, NY
All Rights Reserved.
Kwanzaa for Life 2005 may be reproduced provided such reprints include the following:
Reprinted from the National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life, Copyright ©2005, New York, NY All Rights Reserved.


The Kinara of the Soul

The Kinara is a seven-place candleholder that represents the original stalk from which all African people sprang. It also represents reason and social structure. In Kwanzaa for life it represents the soul of each individual, the vessel, which contains the spirit of life. How fitting it is for us to celebrate the octave of His coming by reflecting on how His presence can be alive in this world by our embracing of the seven principles of Kwanzaa!

Jesus, may we, be in the Light, walk in the Light, talk in the Light, pray in the Light, and act in the Light. Come on and praise the Lord for Life!


UMOJA unity
When we would rather be selfish and driven only for self, show us the light to work for unity among all and redirect our energy to correct division based on who is better just because, Jesus, You know what is best.

RESPONSE: Jesus, may we, be in the Light, walk in the Light, talk in the Light, pray in the Light, and act in the Light. Come on and praise the Lord for Life!


When we would rather change our image to please others, show us the light to know who we are and whose we are as we love the self that you created just because, Jesus, we know that all that You created is good.

RESPONSE: Jesus, may we, be in the Light, walk in the Light, talk in the Light, pray in the Light, and act in the Light. Come on and praise the Lord for Life!


When we would rather close our eyes and shift the blame, show us the light to a new conscience in which we share work and responsibility so that together we can see a new day just because, Jesus, we know that You lead us only along the right path.

RESPONSE: Jesus, may we, be in the Light, walk in the Light, talk in the Light, pray in the Light, and act in the Light. Come on and praise the Lord for Life!


When we would rather squander our resources on foolish things and use our wealth to uphold businesses which degrade us, show us the light to uphold our dignity and support those who seek to benefit our communities just because, Jesus, we know that You can take the seed thrown on rich soil and produce fruit a hundredfold.

RESPONSE: Jesus, may we, be in the Light, walk in the Light, talk in the Light, pray in the Light, and act in the Light. Come on and praise the Lord for Life!


When we would rather forget about why we are here, show us the light to recall that we are to love and serve others so that we may all return to greatness just because, Jesus, You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.



Jesus, may we, be in the Light, walk in the Light, talk in the Light, pray in the Light, and act in the Light. Come on and praise the Lord for Life!


When we would rather imitate bad old ways, which keep our communities in a second-class status, show us the light to all the talent you have given us generation after generation just because, Jesus, You have the power to anoint our destiny if we just say yes.


RESPONSE: Jesus, may we, be in the Light, walk in the Light, talk in the Light, pray in the Light, and act in the Light. Come on and praise the Lord for Life!


When we would rather take up the cries of doubt and confusion of this present age, show us the light that leads us to the strength of our ancestors who knew how to walk in the ways which made each day more beautiful than the day before just because, Jesus, You are the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.


RESPONSE: Jesus, may we, be in the Light, walk in the Light, talk in the Light, pray in the Light, and act in the Light. Come on and praise the Lord for Life!




(December 26, 2005
through January 1, 2006)


Let Us Also Offer The Following Prayer:

Kwanzaa for Life 2005 Prayer
Lord, our God, lead us to walk in your light as we celebrate the festival of Kwanzaa and the African American heritage. Shine on our thanks and praise for life. Strengthen us with your grace and mercy, so that we may love and preserve life. Guide us to uphold and respect life from its beginning to its natural end. Help us to always be true to our nature as you created us because all that you made is good. Finally, lead us on to eternal life with you our Creator, our Redeemer, and our Sanctifier, Jesus, our Lord. Amen.



Sending Forth Hymns....
The Lord Is My Light #132 Lead Me, Guide Me or This Little Light of Mine #190 LMGM or Lead Me, Guide Me #168 LMGM or Go Tell It on the Mountain #22 LMGM

National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life - Kwanzaa for Life 2005 composed by James P. Newson, Jr. — NBCAL ©

The National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life was inaugurated in the fall of 1997, with the National Black Catholic Clergy Caucus and the Franciscan Solid Ground Ministry as sponsors and with the support of John Cardinal O'Connor, Archbishop of New York and the Archdiocese's Office of Black Ministry.

NBCAL Board of Consultants


Bishop J. Terry Steib, SVD, DD, Episcopal Advisor,
Fr. Jim Goode, OFM, Ph.D., President, Dr. Beverly A. Carroll (USCCB: SAAC),
Fr. Anthony Bozeman, (NBCCC), Supreme Lady Mary L. Briers, (KPCLA), Br. Tyrone A. Davis, CFC, (NBCCC),
Ms. Therese Wilson-Favors, NABCA, Sr. Roberta Fulton,SSMN,(NBSC), Deacon Jerry Lett, (NAAACD),
Supreme Knight Arthur McFarland, (KPC), Sr. Claire Napoleon, FMM, (NBSC), 
 Mrs. M. Annette Turner, (Pres. NABCA), Msgr. Patrick Wells, (NBCCC), Mr. Michael Youngblood, (NAACYMN),
Sr. Patricia Haley, SCN Pres. NBSC , Deacon Dunn Cumby, Pres. NBCCC

National Black Catholic Congress
Ms. Valerie E. Washington, Executive Director
Xavier University,

Institute for Black Catholic Studies
Dr. Jamie T. Phelps, OP, Ph.D.