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February 12, 2003
Black Catholics Oppose Partial-Birth Abortion
National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life is strongly opposed to the brutal
partial-birth abortion procedure. President George Bush has called on the
Senate to pass the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act, sponsored by Senator Rick
Santorum. According to a January Gallup poll, 70 percent of Americans believe
that partial birth abortion should be banned. We urge the United States Senate
not to support any procedural obstruction of this legislation, and to oppose all
weakening amendments. We are especially opposed to the “phony ban” substitute
amendment that has been offered in the past by Senator Dick Durbin and others.
The Durbin Amendment would allow partial-birth abortions without restriction
before a baby has provably reached the point of ‘viability,’ and even after
“viability” based on abortionists’ assertions that the mother is at any degree
of ‘risk’ of health problems. This amendment is a complete sham, which would
allow abortionists to perform partial-birth abortions even on babies who could
easily survive independently of their mothers.
We encourage Black Catholics to share our opposition to partial-birth abortion:
* Call your U.S. Senators at the Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121.
* Write your U.S. Senators at U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 200510
* Place this “News Release” in your parish bulletins, community news briefs, and newsletters.
· Invite others to get involved with pro-life issues.
We must action now.
Over 14 million African American babies have been aborted since 1973.
For more information:
www.blackcatholicsforlife.org and
Bishop J. Terry Steib, SVD, DD, Episcopal Advisor,
Fr. Jim Goode, OFM, PH.D, President, Dr. Beverly A. Carroll (USCCB: SAAC),
Sr. Donna Banfield,
SBS, (NBSC), Fr. Anthony Bozeman, (NBCCC), Supreme Lady Mary L. Briers, (KPCAL),
Mr. Carolette Davis, (NABCA),
Br. Tyrone A. Davis, CFC, (NBCCC), Deacon Jerry Lett, (NAAACD), Supreme Knight
Arthur McFarland, (KPC), Sr. Claire Napoleon, FMM, (NBSC),
Mr. Joseph Powell, (Pres. NABCA), Msgr. Patrick A. Wells, (NBCCC), Mr. Michael
Youngblood, (NAACYMN), Sr. Anita Baird, DHM, (Pres. NBSC), Ex-Officio,
Fr. Chester P. Smith, SVD, (Pres. NBCCC), Ex-Officio
Partnership: National Black Catholic Congress, Xavier University Institute for Black Catholic Studies